Centerpieces are nice, but nothing dresses up a table like pint-sized individual flower arrangements. These delicate arrangements each use different flowers, but are harmonized by their size and the use of the egg cups.

If you want the arrangements to look nice for more than one day, you’ll probably want to use florist foam. It also provides something with which to anchor the flowers. I ended up putting to many little flowers in that I didn’t need the florist foam after all. You have to think small. What flowers and greenery would look proportional to half an eggshell? Pansies fit the bill, as do herb leaves and blue muscari (also known as grape hyacinths). I also had some wild violets in the yard, so I dug up a couple of small clumps of those. I used eggshells from eggs that I had used in a recipe, but I washed them first so they wouldn’t smell. My eggs happened to be brown. White eggshells might have shown up a little better. I’ll have to experiment!
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