When you need to feed several people and you’re not exactly sure how many will be there, getting fajita meat to go can be a great solution. Supply your own tortillas (I use low carb). You can get carry-out on the other fixins, too (guacamole, avocado slices, salsa, queso), or make them yourself. Plate, garnish, serve. Ole!
Our friend Jeanette supplied us with salsa made from an old family recipe that is better than any restaurant or store-bought salsa I’ve ever had. It was perfect with the fajitas. Lime halves provided a quick and easy garnish. They’re appropriate because the guacamole has lime juice in it and so do the margaritas.
My favorite Mexican restaurant, Milagros, offers fried jalapenos and onions. They slice the peppers in half vertically, scoop out some (but not all) of the seeds, and fry them in oil along with slices of onion. They get crispy and have an amazing flavor. When I ordered the meat, I ordered the peppers and onions, too. I served those separately, so each person could be the judge of whether they wanted to explore the caliente zone. To make the meat look pretty, I put some finely diced avocado, a little salsa, and parsley snipped with herb scissors on top. (For those of you who are cilantro eaters, I’m sure you would want to use cilantro instead. I will never understand what went wrong with your taste buds.)
Looking for an easy-way to make sugar-free margaritias? Got it!
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